Am Himmel wins the FIRST STEPS Award in the category medium length feature film. On 24 September 2018, the 19th First Steps Awards ceremony took place on Berlin’s Stage Theater des Westens. “The aim is to honor filmmakers of a whole new generation,” emphasized Iris Berben, President of the German Film Academy, in her opening speech. “And this generation makes films that are uncompromising. In their attitude, their design, their dramaturgy, their characters. It’s impressive how good these films are.”The First Steps Awards were presented in a total of ten categories. Lukas Feigelfeld (“Hagazussa”) was honored for the best feature-length film. The award for the best medium-length feature film went to Magdalena Chmielewska (“Am Himmel”), for the best short and animated film to Mate Ugrin (“In der Zwischenzeit/Meanwhile”), for the best documentary to Johannes List (“Tackling Life”), and for the best commercial to Michael Kranz (“myBorder´s joyFence”).